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Advances for unconnected creators

Last update: 28.10.2022

In MC Pay, you can request an advance with a certain fee. The money will be credited to the balance immediately, and then the entire monthly income from YouTube will be written off to repay the advance.

You must have at least $300 in total YouTube revenue for the last 30 days to qualify for an advance. Only the main owner of the channel can apply for an advance.

When the advance is approved, the requested amount is credited to the balance. Each month, we will deduct your YouTube revenue until the full amount of the advance with the fee is paid off.

To write off money, we need to claim exclusive rights to your content that was released prior to the date the advance was received. In YouTube Studio, you will see that monetization is not available, there is a copyright complaint, and the copyright holder is Mediacube. This means that we have claimed the rights to the content and will receive income from all old videos until the advance is paid off in full. But this will not affect the operation of the channel in any way.

YouTube revenue for the current month is credited to the balance in the next month. For example, you received an advance on October 13th. From that moment on, we get the income from the channel. But the money for October will come only in November. On November 26th, based on YouTube's report, we will write off all revenue to pay off the advance. If this amount is not enough, we will also write off the income in the next month. If the income exceeds the amount of the advance with the fee, we will credit the residue to your MC Pay balance.

As soon as the entire advance is paid off, we will revoke the rights to your content, and you will be able to monetize the videos in your favor again. 

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