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How to link a channel to AdSense

Last update: 20.04.2021

What is AdSense?


AdSense is a service made by Google that allows YouTube creators to withdraw earnings from channel monetization to their bank accounts.


Even if the channel is connected to a partner network and withdraws money through it, it must still be linked to an AdSense account. Otherwise, monetization may be disabled on the channel. This rule was introduced at the beginning of 2021.

AdSense Rules

AdSense is a very strict service, there are several rules that must be strictly observed:

1. You can only have ONE AdSense account. Creating a duplicate for the same name and email address can lead to the demonetization of your channel. So if you forget where you've registered your first account, don't try to create a second one. It is better to review all your mailboxes and find the one and only one (look for a letter sent from adsense-noreply@gmail.com).

2. Be sure to indicate your real country and address of residence when registering. You CAN'T change your country in AdSense, but you will receive a mail with your account confirmation code. Therefore, you will only add more trouble if you write a fake address.


Linking the channel to AdSense

You must link the channel to the AdSense service through your Creative Studio. If you try to do this through the site https://www.google.com/adsense/, the linking will be rejected.

1. Go to the “Monetization” tab and if you already have it enabled, click "Connect to your AdSense account”:

1. Re-authenticate your Google account.

2. Carefully read the instructions on the screen and follow them. You will need to enter your contact details and send a request to connect AdSence.

3. You will be redirected back to your Creative Studio, where you should see a message that the application has been received.

4. The application can be considered for several days. When it is approved, a message about it will be sent to your email address, and the "Link your AdSense account to the channel" area will light up with the “Done” message.

Hooray, the first stage is complete! Now you have a working AdSense, which means that your monetization will be safe. The last thing left is to confirm your address with a PIN code.

How to verify your account with a PIN

To verify your residential address, Google will send you mail with a six-digit PIN code. Yes, an ordinary paper letter by mail:


A letter with a PIN code can take 2-4 weeks. Quite often creators complain that it does not reach them. If the email didn't arrive three weeks after the request, you need to request it again. You can request the PIN code only 4 times. If you still haven't received anything after the fourth request, please contact us, your personal manager or technical support (support@mediacube.network).

If we need to contact YouTube on your behalf to resolve AdSense issues, we will need your pub number. This is the identification number of your AdSense account, which can be found on the "Monetization" tab after your AdSense is approved:


Today, each channel goes through the stage of linking the channel with AdSense and confirming it. This can only be done after you have passed the monetization thresholds (1000 subscribers and 4000 views in the last 365 days). Settings are made in the Creative Studio on the “Monetization " tab.

If the channel has not previously enabled monetization, then you will need to enable it, and the second step will be the mandatory link of the channel with AdSense.



YouTube Help: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9914702?hl=ru

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