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Content ID claim

Last update: 20.05.2022

Let’s imagine that you have a problem: you have received a Content ID claim. What is it and how dangerous is it?

To begin with, let me tell you that there is a YouTube Content ID system that deals with copyright protection. How does it work? Content ID automatically scans YouTube videos for content that matches your intellectual property and applies the defined rights policy to the matching video. Every new video uploaded to YouTube is scanned against a database of files that have been submitted by content owners. If there is a match, the system claims the rights to the content on behalf of the copyright owner.


If you received such a claim, it means that there are materials in the video that belong to someone else.

For example, there may be a problem in the music track. It’s up to the copyright owners to decide whether or not others can reuse their music in the videos.

What exactly can disсontent copyright owners do?

The first and the most unpleasant: they can block a video  - worldwide or just in certain countries.

Secondly, block certain platforms. Sometimes, copyright owners may restrict the devices, apps, or websites where their content can appear. You video will still be available on Youtube if you watch through YouTube.com (not a mobile application)

If your video contains copyright-protected music, the owner may choose to mute it. This means that people can still watch your video, but they won’t be able to hear the soundtrack.

What can you do in this situation?

Variant 1: Do nothing.  If you agree with the claim, you can just move on.

The copyright owners often choose not to black but to monetize your video.  So they get all the revenue from the video.

Do you get a claim for a piece of music in your video? Remove it! Or you can swap out your audio track with one of free-to-use songs. 

But what if you get a claim that you believe is wrong? You can dispute the claim!

For this go to Video Manager of your Creator Studio. Click the link to the right of the video's Edit menu. This will take you to a page with information about what’s been claimed in your video and who claimed it. You’ll see an option to dispute the claim.

But be attentive: if you dispute a claim without a valid reason, the content owner may choose to take down your video.  And this means that your account will get a copyright strike, which is not so good, of course.

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